Saturday, December 18, 2004

Yet again...

I should stop stayin' up so late. It's now 11pm Hawaii time which means it's 2am Colorado time. I'm in Colorado right now. I have to wake up to make my fam french toast tomorrow. What am I doing? Well, I'm talking to myself basically. but this is the edited version. As a certain boy would know you must first make me slightly mad to make me talk freely. I will not be slightly mad on this blog, I will be reserved about what I write. But you're free to read between the lines if you so wish.
Fave song tonight: Best I'll Ever Be by Sister Hazel


E.Marie said...

Fun when did you get a blog. yea it is wierd i have gotten so used to just staying up late everyday. my family goes to bed at least by ten and im still up and then i wake up just as early as they do. well see ya later

Amanda/Mandie said...

Hey sexy, it rules that you started a blog. That was a good night wasn't it. Also, the whole adjusting to the time difference is messing with my sleeping habits too. I have yet to go to bed before 1:30am and yet to wake up before 9:30am. Man I'm lazy, but I'm also on vacation. Take care.