Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Wanna know..

Wanna know what really bites. Cold showers. I don't like it when someone else in the house uses all the warm water so when I get in I have it turned all the way to hot but it's still spurting out COLD water! So then I wash my hair etc etc etc, shivering the entire time, and dry off and I'm still freezing!! So now I'm sittin' in my room wrapped up in towels, blankets, coats, sweaters, slippers, anything I have around this tiny room to try to warm up to a normal tempature! Stupid cold weather!But it did snow last night. It's so pretty! I love the snow, at least to look at.
Song of the day: Cartoon Heroes by Aqua

1 comment:

Fei said...

Man, I can't even take cold showers in warm weather, much less where you are. Isn't it already freezing?

It's bad enough when I step out of a hot shower into (relatively) cold Hawaiian winter air. I use my hair dryer as a heater. Yeah, I'm a whimp.