Sunday, December 19, 2004

Home Ward

I really have nothing cool to say but as usual I'm slightly bored and cruzing the internet. (i'm acctually waiting for all my pics to load so I can fix up my website.) So here's the nice little update on my life. I do not belong and it doesn't bother me in the least. This morning me and my mom went to a local Baptist church because they had a christmas presentation and her friend was doing solo. It was very nice. There was even a baptism before the service. So then we go to the next 3 hours of church. I wore a VERY hawaiian dress to my home ward. I kinda skipped sunday skool cause we were just wandering. It was nice though cause I saw a whole bunch of ppl that I wanted to say hi to. (Oddly enough quite a few of them knew about a friend. I would say my mom is a gossiper but she never talks bad's harmless and really quite funny.) So anyways, finally I go to YW for a little bit, I had to say the theme. Thank goodness I remembered it. Then I headed over to RS for the rest. Everywhere I went I stood out. I think I like that. On to not belonging though. Well, either I was not in my own church, or the onlly one in bright red and yellow, or the oldest, or the youngest. there are few places in this world I belong and very few of them are around home nowadays. Kinda cool.
There's the thoughts for the day
Song of the day: Remember Me - Josh Groban


Shaleen said...

Well, at least you belong with us!! Love ya! : )

Amanda/Mandie said...

Hey hun! I've discovered that belonging is a frame of mind. However, it is hard to gain that frame of mind. At home, I just forced myself to be there. I wanted to see my mom sing, I wanted to try and catch up with my missionary buddies, yet I felt that I stuck out like a mohawk. I feel ya.