Friday, December 02, 2005

A new view on mooching...

So i told one of my friends today that i need to stop mooching off of her. (she's constantly taking me to lunch these days. can ya guess who it is?) Her response was:
"This isn't mooching. Think of it like this, I enjoy cooking for you but I really suck at it. Plus it's just cheaper to buy you chili and rice."

When i repeated that to the group later in the meal they couldn't stop laughing. They like to feed me ice cream.


Amanda/Mandie said...

That's hilarious. ;) Sounds even funnier like the third time around.

Kelsey said...

ok that was an odd ending comment brock. chili and rice is one of the best meals ever!! filling, satisfying, yummy, cheap as all heck!

Amanda/Mandie said...

And probably the least healthy dish to eat, but who needs healthy anyways?