Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Another quote of the day

As Emo says:

Courage is just another form of stupidity.


mightybob said...

yes, but it's admired more than other forms of stupidity.

Kelsey said...

that's true enough mightybob

Amanda/Mandie said...

Um, I think I know where that came from. Ask Emo about it, if you already haven't. Sounds familiar. ^^

E.Marie said...

Manda! (I have no idea how to do an angry face..)
Anyway yup I can be all philosiphical and full of words of wisdoms sometimes cant... I dont know where it is coming from. but it is true...

Judge of the Whetten's said...

Well I have was one of much brains.

Kelsey said...

judge that comment confuzes me.

brock, thanks! :) I'll take that as a compliment.

E! You stole the quote!! how dare you ever say something unoriginal!! teehee.

E.Marie said...

I never stole any qoute.

Danielle said...

woah kels, when did you go Goth!? It's hot. You just need black hair. :)

Kelsey said...

i would look so odd with black hair.

Danielle said...

nah. I don't think so. Are you and Judge still dating? Me and Darek are! :D