Tuesday, July 12, 2005

new faults.

ok i'm not sure why i'm putting this here. I think i want someone particular to read it w/o them knowing it was aimed at them. whatever. you don't need to comment by the way cause i'm sure it'll be weird to comment on it. I have found my two greatest...what are they called, achilles heels? anywho,it's jealousy and selfishness. Ok i've always known i'm the "jealous kind" which is annoying but i'm pretty good at getting rid of it or just living with it or whatever b/c i knew it was there. I could recognize it. lately i have found that I am also selfish. I didn't think i was for the longest time. of course i was when i was little but i didn't think i was now. maybe i just am with certain ppl. see i'm selfish in my relationships asking more than i am giving, even if i mean to give more it just doesn't seem like i do. hard thing to realize...i better start working on that. any suggestions?


Davey From The Block said...

Oh...I didn't know you liked me so much. j/k. Nice blog.

a man from Saipan said...

"Ask and it shall be given unto you."

Ask someone else as well.

E.Marie said...

we are all selfish. I am kicking myself for what i almost did to myself this summer witht the whole family thing. We are human and we have this emotions and we learn to control so work hard.

Amanda/Mandie said...

In regards to being selfish, I seem to be a lot more at this time. I am very over my touch needs. I don't want that many hugs anymore. In doing that, I deny others hugs from me. I could care less if that's the case for others. I am very over that right now. I also am keeping a little more to myself. I guess you could say I'm trying to detach myself from and many other people because of the pain of having them leave. All these people I'm pulling away from are so important to me, but so much so that I will barely be able to survive it when just about everyone from here moves on.

It is a part of life though yeah? I mean, I will be moving on myself shortly. I guess you could say that most of my selfishness has come from trying to avoid any further pain from having people go away. Well, now that I've pretty much written a separate blog entry, I'll end it at this: there will always be times in your life when you need to be selfish... you just need to be aware of those times when you need to be selfish and other times when there is no need for selfishness.

Su Chong said...

"And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them." -Ether 12:27-

I think you are stronger than you realise. Just by reconizing your weaknesses, you've won half the battle. And you know what, almost evreybody and anybody struggles with selfishness and pride. I do!
That's where maturity comes in...it's almost safe to say that one who is mature is unselfish and humble because he is more aware of how his actions would affect others rather than what others' actions can do to affect him.
Often, the older you are, the more mature you get because you are no longer the child that takes, takes, takes, me me me, or I guess in better terms the one who is more often at the receiving end...Part of maturity is becoming one that gives gives gives..like our parents.
So, selfishness and pride will always be there to haunt us, but we will constantly be better and better at overcoming it..we can become more and more giving because we have the BEST example to follow and He gives us what we can't give ourselves - grace ;-)

Davey From The Block said...


I saw your "goth" picture yesterday and had to save it as my MSN Messenger background. Dang! You're hott!


Danielle said...

Kelsey took a goth picture??? This I have to see!!

But as to your post - it's true. The Lord gives us all our own challenges. And actually, in my own humble opinion, jealousy and selfishness are quite normal and natural reactions, ~especially~ where a relationship is concerned. That is simply my opinion, and honestly, I'm not going to offer you advice because (as i stated in Judge's diary) advice from us frail mortals is subject to our own bias and skewed perspectives on life. The only advice I take absolutely seriously is from the Lord.

You're awesome and a half, Kels.