Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Star Wars rock!

yea so that's my update, the girls are finally watching some more of Star Wars, we have been trying to watch episode 5 for over a week now.
"I am not a committee!"
That's a great one liner..that and of course "Who's scruffy looking?"


Amanda/Mandie said...

You're scruffy lookin' you nerf-herder!!!!!

Danielle said...

aaaahahaha the original ones are SO much better than the prequels. lucas needs to stuff it. and if his daughter makes VII-VIII-IX I'll shoot someone.

Judge of the Whetten's said...

unless she has someone rewrite it or something. I feel bad for the starwars series, cause such a great serious got turned into crap. I don't care what people say the last three that came out runid everything. It is now suckor

Vasu Chetty said...

The first three were improved, if anything, by the release of the prequel trilogy.

E.Marie said...

Hmm Maybe someday i will See them. DOODODODODOOO

Amanda/Mandie said...

Well, okay... hooray for Star Wars bashing!!!!!!!! ^^; *gulps*