Tuesday, June 07, 2005


so life is hectic but i love it.i just realized that i will not be at swing tonight and I was supposed to do something for it, maybe it's just the fact that another lover, (not mine) is coming in and needs to learn to swing, I will be at rehearsal though. YES! i love theatre! and this show is really quite good. you should come! ehhehe. cheap date, c'mon. anywho. i'm gonna get backt to my hectic life and get some work done. laters!


Judge of the Whetten's said...

what ever we all know you really got nothing going on. You just sit in your room and watch lord of the rings for like 16hrs a day.

Vasu Chetty said...

It only takes like 13-14 hours for all the extended version, maybe if she watches all the commentaries and then the extras she could probably do it. 16 hours a day for like I dunno, a month or two?

Kelsey said...

i love LotR!!

Vasu Chetty said...

we know

Amanda/Mandie said...

Yeah yeah, jeez... meaney

Kelsey said...

meaney? what who? i missed something...

E.Marie said...

you guess are so funny. CAN ICOME HOME NOW!!! ok i cant wait a week. hehehe lotr funny funfun.