Monday, March 14, 2005

Let's think of a Question....

where is the best place to throw a banana?


Judge of the Whetten's said...

ahhh. I know one place it shouldn't have gone. I think people are going to miss read this.

E.Marie said...

HAHA. You were right kels He did mention it. I was with her when she decided to do this question so I know the story. HAHAHA Best place to throw a bannana would be at a monkey they would like it best.

Anonymous said...

At Justin!

..he would like it just as much as E's monkey..

Kristin said...

Throw bananas (plural!) at all these hippies and protesters here in Boulder! I would laugh!

Shaleen said...

I agree with *clears throat* Su!rp!se=). By the way, that's a cute name hun, does this mean you may start up your own little blog now? Hint hint. Anywho, of course the Monkey Boy would enjoy it as much as a fact could he and E.'s monkey be one and the same? The world may never know... Anywho, lemme think a good place to throw a banana would be into a pit of hungry college students whose favorite fruit IS bananas!! Heehee, that'd be one heck of a show!!

Shaleen said...

Man, my grammar is so sucking right now. LOL. ^_^

a man from Saipan said...

Throw them on over, I don't mind. Just not to hard, bruised bananas and such and not so much fun.

Kelsey said...

What you didn't like those bruised bananas?? sad, i guess it's like my dad and burnt toast

Amanda/Mandie said...

In the air with the rest of the bananas that are being flung in the great battle of fruits. I mean, even Saru-kun knows what's up with that... jeez Kels.

New question please. :P