Thursday, July 28, 2005

What would happen if...

Can one seemingly small event change your life dramatically? What would happen if as you stroll through the park with your boyfriend, he thumps some random stranger over the head? First of all you scream; any respectable, well breed girl screams when her boyfriend fights. Once your initial duty scream is over, you yell at them to stop. You are hoping a police man will enter the scene as they always do in films. Why don’t they have good timing in real life? You’re getting quite scared for your boyfriend, the other guy is huge and no one is appearing to help. Finally, it comes to a stand still with the other guy clearly about to finish off your boyfriend; this man could eat you for dinner! But, something amazing happens. The other guy looks up into your horrified and pleading eyes and lets your boyfriend go. As the random stranger walks off you fall to your knees to help your man.
“What was that?” you ask. Your boyfriend, still spitting blood, explains he had been defending your honor. The random stranger had been eyeing you with the look no “peter priesthood” gives to anyone but his wife. Most respectable men don’t ever know how to give that look. Your disgust justifies his fight.
As you enter your apartment alone that night you wonder about the day’s happenings. He had always told you how gentle hearted he was. He had said he hated violence. He had said he wouldn’t ever start a fight. He had lied to you! What else did he lie about? You need time away from him to sort this out in your mind. He needs at least 24 hours to recover from that fight; that would give you time.
The next afternoon he calls you. You’ve secretly decided to forgive him and try to start again, so you quickly accept his invitation for dinner in a few nights. He tells you to wear that red cocktail dress he likes. You’re going to a fancy dinner.
He picks you up at 7:30 as planned and he’s wearing a brand new tux. You are going to a really fancy dinner. His limo, that you never knew he had, drives both of you to the most exclusive restaurant in town. Doubts of the man sitting next to you begin to rise again. You gather your courage and as he escorts you into the dining area you ask who’s paying for this extravagance. He smugly replies that he is. He had just received a bonus at work and wanted to treat you to a night on the town. “A bonus from Blockbuster could pay for this?” you wonder. Something feels very wrong.
The next morning you hire the best detective you can afford to follow him for a few days. Avoiding him isn’t hard. You have a huge project at work and the deadline is soon. Mr. Moonlight, your incredibly expensive detective, comes to your office to show you his findings. You listen to the tapes and stare at the pictures. You cannot believe it! Your boyfriend belongs to the Mafia! He had recently blackmailed a man who paid him to keep quiet.
As you struggle to breathe he calls. It’s time for your lunch date. Still stunned you amble down the stairs to meet him. One look and he knows something’s wrong. One look and you know you cannot endure one sentence with this potential killer. You dart for the door but he grabs your arm first. After instructing you to act normal and keep quiet he leads you out the door. He’s kidnapping you.
After a few days with no sign of payment your hired detective gets worried. He goes to your parents. They had received a ransom note that morning. Going directly against the note’s instructions Mr. Moonlight calls the sheriff and begins planning. Your parents, Mr. Moonlight, and the sheriff’s most trusted men are involved in a super secret plot to rescue you. You will never learn the details of that plan.
The plan worked perfectly. You return to your parent’s house where you watch Disney movies and eat ice cream for a week of recovery. Your ex-boyfriend is sent to jail with no hope of escape. His Mafia boss was not happy about the blackmailing. Soon enough everything pretty much goes back to normal.
That is what happens when as you stroll through the park with your boyfriend he thumps some random stranger over the head.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

new fave song

just thought i'd inform y'all of my new favorite song.
Dela by Johnny Cleg, it's on the George of the Jungle soundtrack

Monday, July 25, 2005

The Island

Has anyone seen the new movie "The Island"? If you have email me what you thought. ( i don't wanna say much cause i don't wanna give anything away or take away your chance for independent thought but, holy crap! you need to see it! and you need to expect a lot of violence and pain involved. i hurt coming out of this movie. holy crap

Sunday, July 24, 2005

ok so i don't know what to post.

I just wrote this. Some of you were there. And yes it is VERY embalashed, or whatever that word is. i made up details

Waiting for a Miracle

Everyone’s reason was different as we lay on the beach that night. Some wanted to escape pressures of college life, some to grow closer to one another, some for no reason at all. I was there to witness a miracle my friend has promised. There we were, all dozen of us on towels and sheets, around an illegal beach fire dug deep into the chilly sand. We huddled together in small groups. I lay close to my friend, waiting patiently for the beauty I had never seen.
We had arrived at the beach at sunset. It was beautiful but not what I had come for. For some that was the only beautiful moment in the sky. After that they did not look up. They stared only into the flames reflected off each other’s eyes. For us, the magic had not yet begun.
The stars awoke. Slowly they appeared until the entire sky seemed to have erupted with glittering lights. My eyes darted searching for my miracle. Still the stars sparkled with undeniable and unmoving beauty.
We could not hear our friends. We were in a world all our own with trivial conversation coming in spurts. We touched at our shoulders and heads but I could feel his warmth. The constant lullaby of the ocean waves calmed and drew us away from this earth bound existence. We stared upwards, where dreams come true. It takes only one shooting star. All my hopes could fly with that star to the dream-weaver, the one we all believe in.
He saw one! “Not fair!” I yelled. He had seen many in his life. I wished more than anything to experience nature’s magic manifested in the sky.
To take my mind off my failure he began to point out all the constellations. The Big Dipper and the Little Dipper were both easy. Even as a young girl I had been able to find those. He could find the Great Bear from that. Next was Orion’s Belt. That took only a second longer to spot. We tried to outline Orion but gave up because there were too many stars.
The waves continued to sing as we pointed out each star pattern. Its humming was the constant backdrop to our thoughts, spoken and silent. The waves were coming closer but they would never reach us near the fire. Logic told us that high tide would not come but logic did not matter. It was magic. Our fire, our friendship, our wishes made a ring around us that nothing could touch. Nothing could reach us but the cool of the sand seeping upwards and the heat of the flames flickering above our heads. The sweet sea air tasting like long lost memories finished the spell. Deeply we drank and hoped to taste stars.
Still, I had not yet made my wish. I had one; I knew I did not have long. Stars come and go as they please and as quickly as they can. So there I lay, attempting to be patient. The conversation halted. I was searching through all the constellations over and over again. He was doing the same, hoping he could help me, knowing he could never could. This was a mission I must accomplish on my own.
“Oh! I saw it! Did you see it?!” I sounded like a little school girl I was so excited. My friend simply smiled, entertained by at my girlish glee. I had made my wish. I had seen a heavenly angel shoot across the night sky on an errand too urgent to take the route humans cannot witness. What this star needed to accomplish that night I will never know. But its momentary presence is forever painted in my imagination. There was pure and simple happiness one never regrets; when all the senses are alight and the most majestic miracle streaks across the sky.

Sunday, July 17, 2005

weird commercial

TV is still evil but i see more of it these days, mostly by accident. so i just saw a commercial for a chicken sandwich. they kept telling this chicken to do things, like juggle and catch and sit etc etc. yea so they decided the best thing for a chicken is to be eaten. sounds good to me.
i get new teeth tomorrow! yea!! that actually won't make much sense to y'all. oh well. make up what you want.
HAHAH!! this dude's AC caught on fire!! ahahhah!!! sux to be him.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

new faults.

ok i'm not sure why i'm putting this here. I think i want someone particular to read it w/o them knowing it was aimed at them. whatever. you don't need to comment by the way cause i'm sure it'll be weird to comment on it. I have found my two greatest...what are they called, achilles heels? anywho,it's jealousy and selfishness. Ok i've always known i'm the "jealous kind" which is annoying but i'm pretty good at getting rid of it or just living with it or whatever b/c i knew it was there. I could recognize it. lately i have found that I am also selfish. I didn't think i was for the longest time. of course i was when i was little but i didn't think i was now. maybe i just am with certain ppl. see i'm selfish in my relationships asking more than i am giving, even if i mean to give more it just doesn't seem like i do. hard thing to realize...i better start working on that. any suggestions?

Saturday, July 09, 2005

so i've decided

ok so i've known this for a long time. I get sadder as the night goes on if i am alone. if i'm with ppl i can pull all nighters and not be accusded, however you spell that, of being depressed. But if I stay up all night on nani alone then i get a bit melancoly, just lonely really. missing home is all. i know i know, I am home. but not really. I don't think i really have a home right now. skool kinda is, and colorado is kinda too but ya know, home is where the heart is. I don't really know where my heart is. to tell the truth my head and heart are having a HUGE fight right now. i don't think they're even talking to each other. which gets confuzing trust me. anyways, i need to make a decision soon. it's hard to decide when your two halves aren't even talking. i think i'll think about it tomorrow. maybe someone will drive with me to the temple. it's so far away here, 45 min. i know i know i'm just looking for things to complain about. just a few more min and then to bed goodnight y'all

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

shiny shiny

Ok so me and E went to the mall today, mostly cause i couldn't think of anything else to do that didn't cost money. we went window shopping and tried anything that was free. it took up most of our day so it was good.
anyways, while wondering the mall Emo decided i really really really like shiny objects. We went into a few different jewelery shops, a nice crystal shop and a simply sterling store. I also pointed out everything that had sequins or shiny fabric. she really started to laugh at me. oh well, it was fun! like a racoon treasure hunt!!

Friday, July 01, 2005

This had to be blogged.

Ok so i'm sittin on the couch in our living room just checking emails and everything as my brother in law plays with our little bitty dog. He was sitting cross-legged on the floor moving the dog's toy around his body without moving, ya know, just handing it from hand to hand in front than behind and all that. He was doing it really slow at first so the dog was just kinda following and having fun. then James speeds up and the poor dog is literally running in circles. He looks like a planet that has a orbit that is too fast for its own good. After a little while we figure that the dog has gotten dizzy when after two quick rotations he goes flying off into the kitchen, around the table, outside, back inside, and collapses on the kitchen floor with his head kinda bobing to one side. I feel so bad for the dog but it's so funny at the same time. Luckiy the dog has wised up and won't play with James for another 10 min at least.