Thursday, April 07, 2005

Song of the Night...

it's odd how i can represent all of me with a simple song. well i feel like i can, i dunno if it says everything but it says a lot. judge you might understand this well
song: the best i'll ever be


Judge of the Whetten's said...

I hate who I was yesterday, I am happy with who I am today and I love who I will be tomorrow.

E.Marie said...

Yea it is wierd how a song can do that to us. So we never got to talk story last night. Was everything ok?
I will see ya later *HUGS*

Amanda/Mandie said...

Well, I find that my life is (word of the week) *gasps* an amalgamation of the lyrics to songs and the spirit carried within them. It's not weird.

And if it is right and you are in the right, it will work out and the hurt will become bearable again.

Vasu Chetty said...

My song right now is "Sure Shot" by Yellowcard, just wish I could follow their advice a little better...