Saturday, January 22, 2005

odds and ends

CarCar is a pedaphile but she doesn't know what that is. Jolley is CarCar's Urim and Thummim. I am the Jr High kid that got picked on. Benson Boy is still Payson in my eyes. Amanda is a cowgirl on her own accord. Judge is the poet. And I still hold that Sarah is a cat.


Amanda/Mandie said...

LOL... ^_^

And don't you forget it (;

E.Marie said...

HEHE people and what they are. Carcar doesnt know what it is either she is just like my friend. alright see ya ltr.

Judge of the Whetten's said...

Wait... I'm a poet

Vasu Chetty said...


Ok, I'm lost.

And Stuff,

a man from Saipan said...

You don't like anonymous comments and which is it, odds or ends. You cannot choose both.